My very favorite kitchen tool is currently unavailable on Amazon or other sites. I found it made by KitchenAid as well as another brand, but neither is available right now. Keep looking for this, I had purchased a half dozen and gave them as gifts to people with no hand problems, everyone loves them.

Next is the vacuum -popper. This is awesome! No more trying to wedge a screwdriver or bottle opener up under a lid to break the vacuum seal...this does the job fast, easily, and with no damage to the lid!
I have cats, and they love their canned cat food. Which comes in a can with a ring pull lid. I love soup on a cold winter day, which comes in cans with ring pull lids. Whoever invented those had complete disregard for fingernails, much less those with any sort of hand issues, such as RA. Then I found this. What a wonderful wonderful tool!
And, finally, speaking of those pull ring tabs, we all get frustrated with opening soda cans. So I bought some of these (they come two to a pack). They are helpful.
Look for these on Amazon and in some of the handy catalogs that sell all sorts of stuff to help around the house.
Hope this was helpful!
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